Heal Your Life With A Basic Grounding Meditation Just what is “being grounded”? The dictionary describes it as a conductor…
Yes, DNA actually IS LIGHT according to Cyndi Dale in her book The Subtle Body: An Encyclopedia of Your Energetic Anatomy. According…
You can quickly and easily make herbal tinctures from any loose herb you wildcraft. It’s fun, and a tincture is…
What amazes me the most about the information I’m sharing with you is that it’s not modern research! The information…
Copiaba vs. Cannabis & CBD Much controversy surrounds Cannabis, medicinal marijuana, CBD oil and THC containing products. You need to…
Yesterday was the perfect day for a private outdoor Animal Reiki class! Reiki is a fantastic tool for helping animals…
The aura is a subtle, invisible energy field that surrounds and interpenetrates your body. The auric field is the main…
Essential oils are an amazing tool to help you balance your chakras! Here’s a replay of my recent webinar “How…
When using essential oils with dogs, the first thing you must do is get top quality oils. Do your research!…
When using essential oils with cats, the first thing you must do is get top quality oils. Do your research!…