Reiki 2 is All About Healing Others

In Reiki 1, the focus was on you. In Reiki 2, the focus is on others. Reiki 2 gives you in-depth training on how to help others using Reiki energy.

Learning Reiki 2 offers several benefits, including:

  • Advanced techniques to enhance your Reiki practice
  • Ability to perform distance healing for yourself and others
  • Strengthening your connection to Reiki energy
  • Increased intuition and spiritual growth
  • Opportunities to provide professional Reiki services

Reiki 2 teaches you Reiki background and fundamentals, basic distance healing, chakra clearing, and more.

You learn:

  • All about the 3 Basic Reiki Symbols
  • How to draw the symbols
  • How to use the symbols
  • The basics of distance healing
  • Chakra balancing and clearing

When you reach Reiki Level 2, things get even more interesting! It’s like turning up the volume on good vibes.

This level boosts your energy and clears out any blockages, especially in your mind and heart. It’s all about helping you move forward in life and grow spiritually. Plus, some folks even notice their psychic abilities getting stronger or start seeing auras!

Once you finish Reiki 2, you might feel inspired to share your skills by starting your own business or using Reiki to make your work even better.

Reiki 2 Prerequisite

Before signing up for a Reiki 2 certification class, you need to have completed Reiki 1 training and be certified.

If you’ve already received your Reiki 1 certification from another Reiki Master, that’s totally fine! Just send me a scan of your certificate before our class begins. If you’re up for it, feel free to contact me.

Reiki 2 Certification Class Info

The Reiki 2 Certification Course Provides the following:

  • Reiki Level 2 Training Manual
  • Reiki Level 2 Attunement
  • All 5 Reiki Symbols Placed in Your Aura and Your Palms
  • Reiki Level 2 Certificate

The Reiki 2 Certification Course Covers:

  • Introduction
  • Reiki 1 Refresher with Question & Answer Session
  • The First Steps
  • Reiki 2 Symbols
  • How To Draw the Symbols
  • Meaning of the Symbols
  • Distance Healing
  • The First Steps
  • Methods of Performing Distance Reiki
  • Grounding
  • Protection
  • Self Care
  • Hands-on Reiki Practice

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