Thank you to everyone who attended my Essential Oils for Pets class!
For those unable to attend, we missed you!!
Below are the highlights of the info covered in class.
If you need special help or would like to schedule a one-on-one appointment, just let me know!
Choose Top Quality Oils
Only use oils guaranteed to be 100% pure. Beware of low-quality oils! They may contain harmful solvents, chemicals, and pesticides.
In addition, many lower-quality oils undergo processing that destroys their natural health and therapeutic benefits.
I only recommend and use doTERRA for myself, my family, and my pets. Here’s why.
Test Oils in Small Doses
Remember, just because an essential oil is considered safe for pet use does not mean it’s 100% safe for your pet!
Like human tolerance to different substances differs, it’s the same with your pets.
That’s why testing oils on your pets in small doses is crucial.
How to Test Oils in Small Doses
First, start slow by testing a small amount around your pet while watching for side effects.
Start by adding 1-2 drops of a pet-friendly oil to your diffuser. Let the oil permeate the room in 15-minute intervals. Ensure your pet can leave the room if he or she wants to.
Common side effects to watch out for:
- Wheezing
- Shaking
- Whining
- Sniffing
- Nervousness
- Scratching excessively
Know Which Oils Are Safe for Your Pet
It’s important to know which oils are safe for your pet and which are not.
Learn Which Oils Are Safe for Cats
Learn Which Oils Are Safe for Dogs
Dilution Ratios
Below are some general starting point guidelines for diluting oils for topical use in pets.
- Cats: 2 drops of essential oil to 250 drops of carrier oil
- Puppies under 8 weeks: 2 drops of essential oil to 250 drops of carrier oil
- Dogs under 20 lbs: 1 drop of essential oil to 100 drops of carrier oil
- Dogs over 20 lbs: 1 drop of essential oils to 50 drops of carrier oil
- Elderly dogs: 1 drop of essential oil to 100 drops of carrier oil
- Hot oils: 1 drop essential oil to 100 drops carrier oil
The above is a list of safe starting points. If your pet doesn’t experience any reactions and you feel like you need a more potent blend, you can gradually increase the amount of essential oil.
Drops to Spoons Conversion:
30 ml = 1 fl oz = 600 drops = 2 tablespoons
15 ml = 1/2 fl oz = 300 drops = 1 tablespoon
5 ml = 1/6 fl oz = 100 drops = 1 teaspoon
1 ml = 1/30 fl oz = 20 drops = 1/5 teaspoon